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Executive & Team Coaching

We empower business leaders and teams to reach their true potential.

Getting Started With Baiva

Executive Coaching

Through one-on-one executive coaching, we work with leaders to identify and overcome whatever may be holding them back.

We provide a supportive environment to help shift behaviors and mindsets, maximize performance, foster new ways of thinking, enhance leadership capacities, and leverage strengths to lead with confidence.

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Team Coaching

Leveraging team coaching techniques, such as facilitated discussions, strategic planning, and workshops, we help teams improve how they work together by overcoming limiting behaviors.

Achieving higher levels of commitment and engagement, a stronger sense of alignment, optimized performance and overall better results.

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Business Leaders & Teams

Your growth is our mission

Baiva exists to empower business leaders and teams to gain clarity and reach their true potential. We do this by helping you achieve real, transformative results tailored to your outcomes and goals.

Through our executive and team coaching services, we provide guidance in strategic planning, goal setting, leadership development, and team alignment, giving you the tools you need to lead a thriving business.

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We believe in creating a transformative learning experience with a personal touch. through workING closely with each individual and team, we unlock their unique strengths and help achieve their goals.

The Drive Behind Baiva

Meet Nicole

With 15 years of executive and senior leadership experience in mid-sized and global organizations, as well as my experience as an entrepreneur of a successful, high-growth business, I founded Baiva to share my passion for leadership excellence and healthy, high performing teams. 

As an Executive and Team Coach, I am deeply committed to helping leaders and their teams tap into their full potential and achieve true transformation. When obstacles mount and outcomes feel uncertain, I partner with my clients and empower them to discover new opportunities to help them and their teams succeed.

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– Nicole Dedeluk, PCC, MBA, CPHR

Nicole is incredible. I can see the passion she has for what she does and it only helps to bring out my passion. Through our coaching sessions, I was able to find a confidence and understanding of myself that I didn’t know was within me. I am so excited to continue on my ventures with a clear idea of what I want to accomplish, and a plan that is going to help me succeed. I highly recommend Nicole for your individual and/or business coaching as she is amazing!